Sunday, January 16, 2005

still rearranging

I fully acknowledge that part of the reason why I don't have money is because I'm a rabid consumer. I like to buy things. I don't buy things often--other than food and alcohol (the essentials), but when I do buy things, I really buy things.

Since I was rearranging my house, and I knew I wanted a TV for the living room, I went to Circuit City, because my roommate was going, and basically impulse bought a new wide-screen television. It helped that I didn't have to put a dime down on it today--and I'm watching it right now! It's all very exciting.

Unfortunately, my idea of turning the old spare bedroom into a den of sorts didn't really pan out. The beds are still in there, though. So I guess that can be the "guest room." Though I still think I'm kind of partial to turning it into an opium den and charging people $50 to come in, get high, and stay the night. I have locks on the doors, so once they're all stoned and pass out, I can just lock them inside and not have to worry about them taking anything. I can use that money to pay off my new TV and whatnot.

Mmm... opium... Fun for the whole family.


Michelle said...

Hmmm...sounds as though your living in "The House of Trousers".........any women allowed?

if_i_had_a_hammer said...

yes, women are allowed, though i wouldn't know for the life of me why one would want to come here. the bathroom is frightening, the cupboards are bare, the fridge holds nothing but beer, condiments, and whatever take out leftovers we've amassed. i'm hoping the new tv will prove irresistable to the ladies.

Erratic Prophet said...

That reminds me of when I first moved in with the ex-husband. We were getting all of the "essentials" for the apartment and he was shocked by the amount of things we needed to live like civilized human beings. If it had been up to him, we'd have lived in a cave with only a bucket to piss in. And, yes, I do think toilet brushes are necessary.


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