Tuesday, January 18, 2005

iron & wine

[from Sub Pop]

I guess the name is kind of misleading, but Iron & Wine is really just one guy, the crusty mountain-y lookin' dude pictured above. But their (his) last album, Our Endless Numbered Days, was super good, even if it made me want to drown to death in whiskey. It was about as uplifting as the title would suggest. The new EP is only six songs, but it's full of concentrated goodness. I guess the songs are supposed to focus on strong female characters, and that's all well and good, but I'm not one for concept albums--unless you're talking Iron Maiden or Helloween or something. Regardless, if "My Lady's House" doesn't make you wish you were snuggled up on a porch swing, sipping lemonade with the pastor's daughter on a hot, humid summer evening, then I don't know what to tell you.


Erratic Prophet said...

I have The Creek Drank the Cradle. I like it lots, but can't listen to it often lest I fall into a suicidal depression. But in small amounts, Sam Beam's voice is very soothing. Do you prefer one album over the other? I was thinking of getting Our Endless Numbered Days.

if_i_had_a_hammer said...

i haven't heard the cradle, but i highly recommend our endless numbered days...and whiskey.

Michelle said...

So is the type of music comparable to anything?

if_i_had_a_hammer said...

hey michelle...i try not to compare one band to another, though i do sometimes, but it's really earthy and folky. real americana kind of stuff. i'm not sure if that makes sense, but check it out, you might like it.


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