Saturday, January 08, 2005

still tweaking

I can't leave well enough alone, I guess, and neither can my psychotic banner maker R, who came up with another gem. Thanks for making my blog pretty.


I've spent more time on the computer today than I usually do at work and I think I'm going batty. I remember when I couldn't type worth shit and now I never have to look at the keyboard. It's kinda funny when I think about it. Well, I think it's funny. Shut up.


Thanks also to Rachael Ray for not only being the yummiest cooking show host in the whole wide world, but also for coming up with a recipe to save my ass from starvation and / or eating out. I had defrosted a trio of thin cut porkchops that I'd bought before the holiday with the hopes that I would bread them and bake them. However, upon finding I had no eggs in the house, I was at a loss as to what to do with them. I hit up, but most of the recipes required shit like apricots and thyme and things of that nature and all I had in my cupboards were some cans collard greens, tomato sauce and cream corn. I also had hot sauce and pepper, and that's when Ms. Ray swooped in for the rescue.

I think I put in too much hot sauce though because I thought I was going to pass out at one point. My eyes started tearing when I took the chops out of the oven, but they were so tasty, I fought through the pain. The recipe called for "brushing" the chops with hot sauce, but I don't have a brush, so I just kinda "doused" the chops and figured I'd "eyeball" it like Rachael says to do on her show. I guess I need my eyes checked.


Erratic Prophet said...

Did you know that you could damage taste buds by eating too hot foods? I learned that on my favorite cooking show, Good Eats (hosted by my god, Alton Brown).

I heart Alton Brown.

if_i_had_a_hammer said...

i wonder why i'm paranoid about my health. it can't be because of friends like you...hehehe. i'll keep that in mind next time i try to make ghetto hotchops. maybe i need my tastebuds checked too.


Life, as it happens.
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