Friday, January 14, 2005

crock of dawn

When my alarm went off this morning, I thought, wow, I must have set it to the wrong time. It was still dark out. I stumbled out of bed just to slap the alarm clock so I could go back to bed--it's the daily ritual--when I realized that, in fact, the clock did go off at the right time: 6am. There's something weird about getting up when the sun's still down, especially for me. I'm so nocturnal. I ususally don't roll into work until 10:30am or 11. I don't know if I'm supposed to come in earlier--I usually stay pretty late, more than eight hours, so I figure I can show up whenever, and no one's told me otherwise. I wouldn't have a problem coming in earlier, but I know I'd end up staying just as late, because I get a lot more done later in the day. It's just the way I work.

To make things worse, this morning I had to go to and witness a local political back-slapping event that reminded me of what a good ol' town I live in. I'd rather not get into it. I listened to the Rogue Wave CD and got over it. It's over now, and that's a good thing. I can get back into the petty whatnot that usually dominates my time.

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