Wednesday, January 05, 2005

it's got something to do with sticks and balls

One thing about taking JetBlue (the only airline I fly) is the DirecTV in every seat. (This isn't a commercial, I swear.)

Normally, I'll read or stare out the window or try to occupy myself in some manner, but I was weaned on television, and it's pacifying glow is always a draw to me, especially since I hardly watch any television at home (I stick to DVDs mostly, does that count?).

The channel choices are limited on the JetBlue flights, so I have to make an effort to find something to watch, attempt to make the most pedestrian programming interesting. Luckily, I crush easily, and JetBlue DirecTV has two wonderful options to inspire mile-high faux romance. For example, the Black Widow, Jeanette Lee.

She may very well be the foxiest pool player of all time. She's also damn good at it, which makes her somehow foxier. (I'll never use the word "foxy" or variant thereof again; however, it applies in this case.)

I'm not a pool aficionado, though I like to think I can play after a few drinks, and I don't actively seek out pool on television. In fact, the only time I've seen pool tournaments (and I'm sure this is a coincidence) is when I'm somehwere over middle America in one of JetBlue's beautiful Airbus A-320s (please give me free miles). Regardless, Jeanette makes my heart race--all that skill, sleek hair and classy / sexy outfits. I get shivery thinking about it. Thank you, Ms. Lee, for keeping me company on those long and lonely red-eye flights.


If Ms. Lee's exotic looks and clearly erotic stick handling proves to be too steamy, especially in such close quarters, there's always the Food Network's Rachael Ray, who is airplane-swoonable in her own right.

I don't know if it's the brown eyes, irksome accent or the delectible meals in 30 minutes, but whatever it is, I'm hooked. I love to cook; she loves to cook. I'm a guy on the go; she provides me with the knowledge to feed myself in a hurry and is looking on the yummy side while she does so. Life is good. It's a perfect match. She's even part Sicillian, so I could bring her home to momma.

Food Network (like the Game Show Network) is one of the channels I only watch when I'm flying JetBlue (miles). I'm not sure if I'd have the patience for either at home, but in the air, trapped in that flying cylinder, it all makes sense.

1 comment:

Erratic Prophet said...

The only time I'll watch pool is when Ms. Jeanette Lee is playing. She makes it interesting. Did you know she had a rod in her back? That's why she has perfect posture.

Rachel Ray irks my mom. It's because she constantly says "E.V.O.O." and then quickly explains after "extra virgin olive oil". My mom winds up yelling at the tv "Say one or the other, not both!" Then I give my mom a pill and she's all better.


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