Wednesday, January 12, 2005

i feel slimy

Seriously. E! Channel. What are you thinking?

Jacko Trial to Be Broadcasted on TV in Re-enactment Form

This might be high creepiest of the creepy. I mean, even creepier than Jackson's mug itself.

The poor bastard. I kind of feel sorry for him. I don't have sympathy for people who molest children, but what if nothing inappropriate happened between Jackson and those boys during these sleepovers? I mean, I'd rather hang out with people my own age, but y'know, whatever's cool. I don't hang out with young kids because they scare the shit out of me, and they can't get into bars.


Michelle said...

"What if nothing really happened"?? Yeah right hammer and i wear a size 2 dress.

if_i_had_a_hammer said...

whether something happened or not is for a jury to decide, i think. i'm not defending him. i'm just wondering, since i think it's going to be next to impossible finding people who don't already have an opinion going in, can he get a fair trial? since he's admitted to having children sleep over, does that make him automatically guilty?

Michelle said...

Absolutely agree with you, i can't believe anyone would be freee of opinion. I don't know what the answer is to that. Everyone is entitled to a fair trial and due process.
I still reckon he did it, just listening to him speak about it, recolections of his own childhood experiences.....very very bizarre.


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