Wednesday, January 05, 2005

dear, blog-y.

[photo: Angelus49]

Hey, big guy.

How you doin'? Sorry my writing has been erratic, but it couldn't be helped. The holidays are busy times, you know. Well, maybe you don't since you're a blog, but trust me; it's a pain in the ass. It's a headache you probably wouldn't want--if you had a head.

I really do like the holidays, and this year's version was much better than the last. I got to spend plenty of time at home with the family and the friends and the dog, and I'm sorry to see it go. Especially today when I returned to work and spent the large part of the day digging out of e-mails and the rest of the time trying to remember what it was I did for a living and how exactly I went about doing it. I forget so quickly. It's easy to forget when you're on vacation.

Anyway, I'm back now, in my hollowed out house, and I'm doing my best to get back into the swing of things--playing PlayStation 2, eating shitty food, staring off into space, the important things. But most importantly is you, blog-y, who feeds my ego and allows me to pretend I'm still a writer. You rock, dude. Happy New Year.

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