Friday, January 28, 2005


I stole that from another blog, but it was just so durn kyoot (and the picture's all linkified so you can click it to go there; I'm smart!), I couldn't help myself. Look at the puppy! It also got me on a tangent from being lazy at my job to deligently searching for info on the actual chupacabras. I found this pretty neat site called Skeptic's Dictionary where I read an article that shed some more light on the subject. I followed a link at the bottom of the page to another fascinating may-be-fake critter called the bunyip, who not only likes to ravage the Australian countryside, but also makes itself more interesting than the work I have to do and destroys my productivity.

Chupacabras and bunyips are great and all, but I'm sorry, the best fantastical critter resided in my extended backyard.

The New Jersey Devil kicks so much ass, I don't even know where to begin. I remember the first time I heard the story in grade school and knew I had to meet him. I even went looking for him once. I'll have to write that story sometime.

1 comment:

Erratic Prophet said...

Excuse me while I have my TRL moment...


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