Saturday, January 15, 2005

once you get past the delirium, it's really not half bad...

I don't know why or how I'm still awake. I'm not sure why I opened this beer when I had no intentions of finishing the thing. I keep thinking I'll grab it before it gets warm and take a few more sips, but I haven't brought myself to do so yet. It's just kinda sitting on the desk next to my laptop (I don't think I've ever really put it on my lap), staring at me. I went to another local show, then wandered into the local watering hole to use the bathroom before walking home. After using the bathroom and before walking home, I had a rum and coke. I realized how sick I am of seeing the same people I don't know all the time. I had one more tip dollar left and faced a difficult decision: go home then and there and save myself the trouble, or stay for one more drink to see who'd show up. I guess I didn't really want to see anyone, because I put the empty glass on the bar top and left.

Thanks, R, for another killer banner. I'm happy with it, but the big question is, are you?

1 comment:

Erratic Prophet said...

It's not my best, but it'll do...until I make a new one. After I go shopping. Must shop.


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