Thursday, January 27, 2005

jennifer, deliver me from evil--and bring a pizza...

Alias rocked tonight, which almost made up for the Lost rerun. Almost. I almost didn't get to watch either though because my cable inexplicably exploded last night and was down most of the day. Again.

I guess it's one of the drawbacks of living in cow town.

I called to get a technician to come by, and I wasn't in the best of moods. I pay a lot of money--relatively--for high-speed Internet and basic (local network channels plus Discovery only) cable. At the very least, it can work properly, and it does for the most part, but over the few months I've been a subscriber, I've had to make numerous calls for service interruptions. I'm not a nagging type of person, but it's annoying, especially since all I've got to make my life worth living is my blog and Jen Garner (okay, there's other stuff too--whatever).

My intention was to make an appointment for a service call and let them know I was dissatisfied with the service. The sweet girly voice on the other end of the phone led to my eventual undoing.

"I haven't had cable for very long, but I've had to make a lot of calls. I'd like to make a complaint," I said. Firm, but not scolding. Calm, polite, like and adult or some shit.

"Oh, sir," she said. She sounded like she was new. "I see you have had to make a lot of calls. I'm soooo sorry."

Her tone was upset, troubled. She cared.

"I've given you a credit for not having service today, and if you'd like to make a complaint, the best way is to go to our Web site--but you can't get online, huh?" Nervous giggle. "If you e-mail them, they usually get back to you within 24 hours... I'm sooo sorry."

"Yeah...ah. It's okay," I said.

It's a wonder how I ever quit smoking. The good news is the cable came back, and I was able to watch Alias. Self-respect is overrated.


I don't know why I watch the news. I don't understand why when our president is confronted with a tough question, he stammers, flashes that smirk thing he's got going on, then looks really proud of himself when he volleys back a shiny gem of unintelligible bullshit. I wish I could say whether I agree or disagree with what he's saying, but I'm not even sure he knows what he's talking about. I don't have a specific example, but if you want one, just turn on the TV, and you're bound to catch one. Are all politicians this brain dead? I thought they had to go through some book learning or something. If you're not an American, and you're reading this, please make me feel better and tell me your king (queen)/president/dictator/grand poobah/head rich fuck (it's all the same anyway) is just as stupid. Please.


Erratic Prophet said...

She played you, yo. How often do you think she uses "Oh, don't hurt me, mister! I'm new!" act to disarm and defuse angry customers? A. Lot.

But yay, Alias!

And boo, State of the Union Address! I know what the state of our union is, I don't need it addressed. It sucks. Look who's running it!

English Professor said...

Cowtown? Do you live in Fort Worth?

You want proof other heads of state are messed up? Let's see, does the British royal family count?

Glad you enjoyed the Parker quote--she's a favorite of mine.

Michelle said...

Don't worry J...little johnny howard runs a sweet second to gdubba!

if_i_had_a_hammer said...

hahaha...glad to hear it, michelle. not sure if i feel much better, though.

prof--fort worth? no. but honestly after living in new york, san francisco's cow town. the royal family is pretty fucked, but they don't really count for much of anything anymore, unless you're the publisher of a tabloid.

if_i_had_a_hammer said...

ps. i'd really like to read more parker...i remember reading a short story back when i was in college that really struck me. i think it was about a woman waiting for a phone call. can you recommend anything of hers?


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