Monday, January 17, 2005


R spent all day in the matrix and still had time to make this super duper banner, photography by me, taken Dec. 30th at a diner we affectionately refer to as the "Lame Horse" or the "Phony Pony" in Staten Island, NY. The diner used to be a schmalzy '80s style diner-restaurant that is now something of a schmalzy '90s style diner-restaurant. I fancy myself a photographer, but I have no idea what I'm doing and am unfortunately distracted by things like cole slaw and plastic mailboxes (I'll have to post that one sometime). Clearly, the picture is art, dammit, and if you can't comprehend it, I can't explain it to you.


I was going to work a half day, but I've already clocked over eight hours, so I guess that plan's shot to shit. I have to wait around for someone until about 7pm, so in the meantime, I'm just wasting time on AIM and searching through people's blogs trying to find (steal) ideas to spruce up my own blog. If I had a nickel for every hour I spent obsessing over this stupid thing, I'd only have a few bucks, but still, I'm sure I can get a 12-pack with that.


Erratic Prophet said...

You did it all wrong. Diners are to be done in Jersey not Staten Island.


English Professor said...

It's beautiful, it's wonderful, how could anyone not get it? It's . . . it's . . . ART!

Are posters available?

if_i_had_a_hammer said...

posters are available. please send smoke signals or hail me with road flares for all price inquiries.

thanks for checking out my blog! i'll put up a link to you shortly.

Michelle said...

I am impressed...very original...more to the point...very you!

if_i_had_a_hammer said...

thanks michelle!


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