Friday, February 18, 2005

egon spengler, stalker

I'd just gotten done with an interview at a coffee shop on campus--talking to some frat kid. He was nice enough and the interview went well, though not exactly exciting, not that I expected it to be. But I did my job, the kid and I shook hands, and he left the table to, I presume, put another tough week of school behind him and get a head start on getting buxom sorority girls to sleep with him. I collected my tape recorder, note pad, seriously cumbersome rain coat and prepared to get continue my day of staring at a computer screen, being emo and without the possibility of getting buxom sorority girls to sleep with me.

One my way out the door, I was confronted with creepiness when an old dude with long wavy gray hair and a shocking resemblance to Egon Spengler felt the need to talk to me. Our conversation went something like this:

Egon: [while flipping through his textbook, to me as I'm walking out] "You get any good information out of him?"

Me: [surprised by the unsolicitated and random question (mind you, Egon was sitting well across the coffee shop from the frat boy and I, so he must have really been listening to know I was conducting an interview)] "Uh...yeah. It went okay."

Egon: [is looking at me]

Me: [thinking he's going to say something, trying to be polite]

Egon: [still looking at me]

Me: [trying to make the best of an awkward social situation] Uh...I'm J. [extend handshake]

Egon: [looking all weird and condescending, shakes my hand] I think we met two years back. [we didn't; to my knowledge I've never met Egon, nor his longer-haired clone]

Me: [lying] It's possible. ... Have a good one.

Of course, I left the coffee shop paranoid. I'll make sure I draw the curtains so Egon can't peek in my windows. Ew.


Erratic Prophet said...

When there's something strange in your neighborhood, who you gonna call?

Not Egon, that's for sure.

if_i_had_a_hammer said...


Michelle said...

Be careful when you jump in the shower!


Life, as it happens.
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