Tuesday, February 01, 2005

living the dream and staying awake

I spent a good portion of these late evening / early morning hours doting over my fantasy baseball team. It's a keeper league, and I'm have a really tough time trying to figure out who to keep and who to let go. I keep second guessing myself and reconsidering my options. It's driving me crazy.

Truth be told, I'm not very good at fantasy sports. I always seem to have a good team going in. I've thought out and rationalized why I should be very competitive, but things always fall apart. Last baseball season was a perfect example. We (my time and I) didn't do that good last year. In fact, we were one of the worst in the league. It didn't start off that way. Nope. In fact, I was near the top of the heap early on, but all went sour by week six. All of my major players befell some awful injury or another and left me in dire straights by midseason. I think this season will be better; it has to be, because this time we're playing for money. I haven't decided how I'm going to juggle work, blogging and fantasy baseball while I'm at the office, but I'll figure something out. I really need an intern.

I also need sleep, but my fantasy baseball team is way too important to fudge up. Also, a friend at work let me borrow a couple of discs from the first season of Kids in the Hall.

I'd forgotten how ahead of it's time the show was, and how punk rock (I also forgot how eerily feminine Dave Foley looks made up as a woman). Regardless, bits like "Running Faggot" and "Can I Keep Him?" are hilarious. The first season is already 15 years old, which I can't believe. I remember watching the show when it started and, for some reason, had Scott Thompson confused for John Ritter (I don't know either). What I also can't believe is how much stuff they were able to get away with. Kids in the Hall targetted everything, even cancer (especially cancer), and managed to make it funny.

For the most part, I let the DVDs run in the background as I tinkered with my fantasy baseball team, read blogs and put off doing my laundry, which I should really go out and check on now.

1 comment:

Erratic Prophet said...

Eeeeeee! I heart Dave Foley!

KITH was one of the best shows. Ever. They made stuff that shouldn't be funny very funny. Even now, I make Bellini references. Who would think of putting a pudgy man in a towel, throw in an obsession with fish, and poke him in the belly with a stick? And it's funny! It's also one of those shows you can't explain to people because they look at you funny. "He's this asshole chavinist with cabage leaves on his head..." And the polite axe murderer.. Hee!

Dave Foley looks prettier than me when he dresses like a woman. That's kinda scary.


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