Monday, February 21, 2005


At the behest of Counting Backwards resident banner maker, please find below, for your viewing pleasure, a selection of fine works that allow the creator of this site to fool BlogExplosion members into stopping by, driving up traffic numbers and thereby validating his existence. Perhaps you're reading this after clicking one of said banners. If so, welcome, and please feel free to look around--but don't break anything.

Star Wars

Baby Jesus

In Memorium


Erratic Prophet said...

I feel very much like a Dian Fossey studying the native habitat of the geek. At first, my presence was looked upon with suspicion and, in most cases, awe. Whispering soon followed. "A girl geek? Could it be?" But eventually, I was accepted and welcomed into their inner sanctum. I was invited to a Magic the Gathering game at the comic book store.

I use my banners to promote geek awareness. Do not shun these gentle creatures. They mean you no harm. And they hardly ever fling poop.

Michelle said...

love the baby jesus!


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