Saturday, February 05, 2005

the long arm of the law

We ventured east into the foothills today on a sort of traveling car party. It was a beautiful day, over 60 degrees, even at higher elevations, and since the four of us and the dog weren't able to go into the zoo like we'd planned, we embarked on a bit of an adventure. The three of them smoked a lot of weed and hash, which is fine by me. Even though I gave that shit up a long time ago, I still like the smell, and the smoke doesn't bother me. The dog didn't mind either. She took turns laying on my lap or on the lap of the other guy in the back seat--she was our canine pimp.

The roads through the foothills are narrow, bumpy and windy, and a bunch of houses are spread out and rickety and all have suspect shacks. California produces a lot of meth.

The foothills--at least this area of the foothills--are kinda scenic, but they're also pretty ghetto. They're the kind of place you'd see on an episode of Cops. The officer behind the wheel would say, "it's pretty quiet, but we get a lot of tweakers and meth labs blowing up. Right now I've got to go down to break up another domestic dispute. The husband's abusive, but she's always taking him back. There's not much we can really do about it."

[from the Daily Lobo, University of New Mexico Independent Student Paper]

I just finished watching two episodes of Cops, which has been on the air forever. America must have an obsession with crack addicts in their underwear and dudes with tazers.

We were driving in this giant old Dodge truck that looked like it'd be perfect for moving crank; we weren't though, we were just trying to find this mountain spot that I really like. It's got all these chunks of volcanic looking rocks and in the spring and summer, it has all these little purple and yellow flowers. I thought the stoners would appreciate it.

There's no real sign for the place, and there's this barbed wire fence around the place, but the only way you'd know it's okay for you to go there is that there's this gravel parking lot right outside. The flowers didn't bloom yet, and there was all these lumps of cow shit, which kinda put a damper on things. We walked around a bit and found ourselves in a cow pasture, and I wondered if we were in the right spot. There was this one cow a bit away from the herd that stared at us when we crossed into his path. She didn't look too happy about it. I realized we were in the right space when I found a yellow sign that said "you are exiting state land" or something like that, so we left the cows behind, moved back to the public land, gazed off into the distance and eventually just headed back to the car.

Afterwards, we hit up an Indian casino for the buffet and ate a lot of bland food and of course prime rib, which I think is only available at weddings and casino buffets. The chocolate mousse was excellent, though.

1 comment:

Michelle said...

Sounds like great weather for a drive...bummer you couldn't go to the sounded perfect for it,still sounds as though you had a relaxing day.

J, LOST was is brilliant..only seen one episode but i am hooked!!


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