Friday, February 11, 2005

all i want for christmas

I was about 25 when I admitted to myself I was going bald. Really, I knew it was happening before that, I'd just gotten back from a hair cut and when I looked in the mirror, I saw it. I tried to brush it--maybe it was clumped...

It wasn't clumped. There wasn't enough of it to clump. Not in the front anyway. What was worse, it wasn't as much receding as it was falling out in patches--incongruous patches. I think I stared at the mirror for a while, distraught.

My life up until that point had been a battle with my hair. It was always a sort of bane. Unruly, irregularly curled--just a mess. I tried to keep it short, then I tried to go long, then I went shorter than the last time. It really didn't matter. It'd grow back like a Chia Pet only getting sun on one side. I spent the majority of my high school and college years in a baseball cap. It was better that way, even if I did get sweaty.

But that day, my hair had played it's cruelest trick of all. It refused to grow back. Later that night I decided to just get rid of it. Shave it off--except for some stubble, I didn't want to Bic it--and show the march of time that I was still the boss of my scalp.

It turned out to be one of my better decisions--I think I've made about four good ones in my life--after the purchase of a trusty hair buzzer (just $15), I haven't had to spend money on expensive shampoos or haircuts. A beany was required for winters, it gets cold up there, but otherwise, it's been smooth sailing ever since.

Until last week when my trusty buzzer gave out. It rattles and snorts and buzzes super loud and erratic. The sound echoes in my head. It makes my brain scream. I've been unable to use it, but I've also been unable to go out to the store and buy a new one, and now the hair is marching back in full force, everywhere but the top and front of course. Worst of all, it's really itchy; the baseball cap's come back and so has the forehead sweat. At night, right before I fall asleep, I swear I can hear those follicles laughing.


Erratic Prophet said...

Please tell me you've been cleaning and oiling your clippers. Please.

You lie. You haven't.

The little brush your clippers come with? Clean out all of the hairs each time you use it. The little tube of oil you get? Drizzle it over the clipper teeth and turn on for a minute or so, then wipe clean with a slightly (only slightly) damp towel. Do this at the very least once a month. If you take care of your clippers, they don't clunk out on you.

Also, should the blades get dull. You can replace them rather than buy a whole new set of clippers.

A good pair of clippers will last you, at the very least, 10 years. I've seen many stretch it out much longer. Spend a little more and get a good set. It's worth it.

Bookfraud said...

Hair, beautiful hair. We'll find you a new clipper, and pitch in for a Hair Club membership. I am lucky to have all of my hair at 40, but I am getting the moss-back effect and I think Wife is not happy.

Michelle said...

Hey, i have enough hair for everyone never fear. Bald men are supposed to be sexy or so they say? Don't let it grow back and one of those AWFUL comb over jobs!!!


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