Thursday, February 10, 2005

out to pasture

It's over.

My body has had enough--I'm convinced. Two-and-a-half bottles of High Life and a shot of VO. That's all. Maybe Lost and Alias ran me ragged. One minute I was sitting down on the couch, watching the menu for Northfork cycle through. I selected Dolby Surround, Main Menu, Play Movie. It wasn't even midnight.

And then it was 7:30 am--glasses still on, TV still on, Xbox still on, computer still on. Lights? Yup. Them too. Unlike last night, there were no visions of sugar plums; no flying or carousing with beautiful women. Just blank, empty sleep.

I pulled myself off the (no)love seat in the living room and made it into bed. My room was freezing because I didn't get to put on the space heater. My bed was even colder. Eventually, my shivering generated enough heat to make things comfortable, and I went back to sleep--only to wake up seconds before my alarm went off. Thursday's looking to be a good one.


Erratic Prophet said...

Dude, you're turning into my dad.

Don't tell me you're getting the wild eyebrows and hairy ears.

if_i_had_a_hammer said...

i'm turning into my dad actually. i looked in the mirror yesterday, and i swore i'd body swapped with him.

Erratic Prophet said...

Why can't I physically turn into my mom? Only taller. My mom's hot, yo.

Michelle said...

i'd kill for that kind of sleep..omg...sadly my 40 years is creeping up..LOL


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