Tuesday, February 22, 2005

movie geek

The Ring really opened up my eyes to Japanese horror films, and foreign films in general. Honestly, I've only seen the American version. I thought it was pretty scary and figured it best to leave well enough alone; however, it helped open up a whole world of movies that I hadn't considered before. There seems to be a similar, quiet pacing to the Japanese horror films (and also with those from South Korea); they're doing a lot more with atmosphere as opposed to big budgets and flashy tricks, and that's what I appreciate. Ju-On, the Japanese film remade in America as The Grudge, almost literally scared the shit out of me, but I'm pretty squeamish when it comes to horror films. I don't know why I watch so many, to be honest.

Dark Water is one of my favorite horror movies, and I was leery about the American remake. The adaptations of Ju-On and The Ring were both really well done, but I was worried that they're going to the well too many times. But then they got Jennifer Connelly who's just dreamy, and seems to be getting dreamier with age, and I was happy to see that Walter Salles is directing. Salles directed The Motorcycle Diaries, which I just saw for the first time last night, and I thought it was beautifully done--really striking and visual.

The Motorcycle Diaries is about a young Che Guevara, a brilliant South American revolutionary who now appears on T-shirts of kids who own multiple Graphix bongs and live in dorms. A sad fate to be sure, but I'm not holding that against him. Gael Garcia Bernal is really intense as Guevara, and the camera work is stunning--highly recommended, especially if you like road movies or are looking to start a popular uprising. Either way is cool with me.

So now I'm looking forward to Dark Water, which I hope turns out okay. Honestly, I'd go see it just for Jennifer Connelly, but, y'know, it'd be cool if it didn't suck.

1 comment:

Erratic Prophet said...

I still have to see The Grudge. I think the mom an' pop shop I go to is getting it in soon.

Jennifer Connelly sure is purty.


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