Wednesday, February 16, 2005

mr. sandman must have been on angel dust

In Iraq, presumably on vacation. I'm with some people from work, I think, and I comment how much Iraq looks like California. I can see palm trees. We're in a fast food restaurant/deli kind of place and I'm ordering food. Many of the people there are American, though the girl behind the counter appears to be a native of the country who speaks perfect english. It turns out that my card is no good--came up declined--and she hands it back to me all torn up.

I wonder why, but I'm not too upset, and the manager, I think, let me have the food anyway. Outside, an overweight, ugly blonde woman in a large blue T-shirt, black sweat shorts and sandals is calling the people walking around--many of whom Iraqi dressed in typical American clothes--heathens and other harsh slurs. I yell at her that if she doesn't like the country, she should leave.

Now I'm in a room, still in Iraq, with my sister and her boyfriend. My sister has a pet Cheetah; it's a lithe, but scruffy little thing and its behavior is sort of erratic. I play with the cheetah for a bit. The room has one big single window that almost goes ceiling to floor and it's rather large. After playing catch with the cheetah, I get a call from my cousin--he tells me he's at the frontlines and ready to be deployed for battle. I notice the palm trees and the sunny sky outside.

Then, the room is filled with people--work associates and friends and family from back east, so I think. I realize all these people haven't met before, so I attempt to introduce them. Everyone is seated on things akin to highschool gym bleachers which line the walls. As I walk around, I realize that I don't know everyone, and I'm fumbling over names and mistaking identities. People are quickly losing interest, and I get occasionally interrupted. The last interruption came when I see that they're giving gifts to an old woman--someone's grandmother--for her birthday. I have to stop with the introductions and I'm seemingly impatient. "This shouldn't take too long," one of my girl friends from New York whispers in my ear.


[This is kinda graphic--you might not want to read this part. I'm going to be tasteful as possible]

I'm watching a movie at some outdoor picnic. I think it's about Vietnam. There's one scene in a village and a young woman is in a shack. I must have seen the movie before, because I know that she's smuggling explosives.

They cut to a previous scene that features the young woman inserting hand grenades into her vagina, but the act is pixelated, so our view of it is obscured. In the next scene, there's a closeup of a single grenade pin falling on a ratty wooden floor.

I tell the person sitting next to me:

"Did you see that they blurred that out? It's like the difference between 'Skin-emax' and porn [for those who might not know, 'Skin-emax' is slang for cable network Cinemax's late night movie selection, which usually involves softcore pornography; it can be applied to any softcore pornography of low quality]. Showing penetration makes it pornography. If the movie came on later, we probably would have seen it."


Erratic Prophet said...

Dude, only in your dreams are naughty bits blurred out. Hee!

Oh, and I'm so not going to try to analyze that dream either.

Michelle said...

Holycrap! I reckon it means your frustrated!! LOL

apples said...

you're feeling guilty that your country is taking over other countries, or trying to do so. you got the food for free, the woman outside. the woman in the movie, you making the comment you did - take away the reality in it.

umm yeah.. not sure what my professors would say about that but at least I'm trying..


Life, as it happens.
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