Sunday, April 24, 2005

template fucking

During a search for templates this afternoon, and trying to apply said templates to this site, I completely fucked up. Completely. And accidentally clicked "save template changes" instead of "clear edits," because I'm a moron. Completely.

Everything was fine until I published a new post, so I had to do this impromptu thing. The banner's an oldie but goodie from's a good thing I don't throw anything away. This is a temporary fix until I can come up with something better, but I kinda like the blue.


Michelle said...

Either i have lost weight OR wer'e back to the giant script again.
I do like the color though, maybe R can add some of her magic :)

Erratic Prophet said...

J- Dude, did you forget to close your header tags again? Close your tags before I get all Rainman again.

if_i_had_a_hammer said...

ugh...i closed it with an h L instead of an h 1...they look exactly alike in the damn template editor.

does it work okay now? i checked it on IE and Firefox and it looked fine.

Erratic Prophet said...

It's all good now. And I had a good giggle over the drunken IM and email. Wooooooooooo!


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