Tuesday, April 05, 2005

the MAN wants his money

Today my accountant--he's not really my accountant, it's not like I employ him or anything; once a year I give him $50 and he hands me a stack of papers that I can't make any sense of, sign them and mail them out to the president and the governor--handed me an envelope and told me I owe about $1,000 in taxes. For a part of last year, I was technically self-employed, so what little money I was getting was all tax-free.

That I owed wasn't a surprise, but the amount was kind of upsetting, seeing as I'd just come into some extra cash for filling in for a vacationing co-worker and was able to breathe easier about bills for the first time since I could remember. Things like this always seem to happen when I come into extra money--unexpected expenses, surprise deposits on my apartment, it's never ending. My accountant told me that I don't have to pay it all at once, but regardless, I'm kinda bummed, seeing as I only had $1,000 or over in my bank account once, and that was just last pay day.

Financial matters usually don't get me down, but lately everything has--even my batteries running out on my little Mpio MP3 player is cause for a deep breath. After I got the news, I returned to my desk and stared at my computer monitor for a good 20 minutes. I couldn't bring myself to do anything but watch as I moved the cursor across the big screen. I kept hearing "You're not getting any younger. You're not getting any younger." I'm a prodigy playing the world's smallest violin. It gets like this every now and again, more often than not lately, and I know how to handle it (Guinness), but that doesn't make it any less annoying.


Michelle said...

Konichiwa J san :)
All is not lost, if i come into some extra dollars, i promise to send you to Japan for a loooooooooong vacation.

Erratic Prophet said...

Look at it this way, J. You're still a year younger than me. Now don't you feel better?


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