Monday, April 25, 2005

it ain't what you do, it's the way that you do it

I spent a good portion of my waking hours at a sports pub watching the A's and Angels, which some how turned into talking politics, loudly, in a backyard with a couple of people I barely knew. I try not to get worked up about those kinds of things, but once in a while, I let myself go.

Also, I was pretty drunk, and I can get pretty loud when I'm drunk. I can turn into a "woo"ing frat boy given the right circumstances, and the right amount of booze. I'm not proud of these moments, but they happen.

We were talking so loud that we were asked to take it somewhere else by the home's owner, and then later, agreeing that we were all being pretty loud, we decided to move it inside, and the discussion turned quickly to women--a direction all good political/philosphical discussions should go, given enough time. That got a bit loud too, so we were politely asked to leave.

The small amount of beer that I had went straight to my head, which allowed me to talk a blue streak. I don't know if it was the energy, or the expedience of my intoxication, but I feel like shit now, with a rugged Monday ahead telling me I should just drink this glass of water, devour the three hard-boiled eggs in the kitchen and pass out. And maybe, not be so damn talkative the next time.


Bottle Rocket Fire Alarm said...

This happened to me very frequently. Now I try to shut up.

If that fails, I don't bother feeling guilty or dumb about it anymore.

When people find out I feel contrite, they view that as an opportunity to ask for favors since I now owe them one.

Even though, I gather, they weren't bothered, offended, or otherwise by my behavior.

Just taking a free one since it's so convenient. So now I wait for people to get mad before I say sorry.

Erratic Prophet said...

I'm the "I love you guys!" drunk who hears her own music in her head and MUST DANCE NOW. You can see why I don't drink often.

Also, when someone tries to start talking to me and I don't feel like talking? I tend to walk away. I'm far too drunk to tell them to go away, so I go away. Needless to say, I don't love those guys.

Michelle said...

I'm the "tell the truth at all costs" drunk. "Dude, you are UGLY bugger off! "Dude, you talk shit" bugger off"! "Dude, this is a shit party"!


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