Friday, April 08, 2005

my destiny

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Destiny: a dish best served cold...

The past two days, our tiny shit town has been assaulted by thunderstorms (I wrote about the other one yesterday, but Blogger hates me; I'll have to retro post it later). This isn't big news anywhere else in the country, but in here in Northern California, it's big news. Especially for me because I'm a walker.

Today the sky went dark, thunder rumbled and for the second day in a row, this beautifully bland little burb was pelted with pea-sized hail. It was a fair-sized thunderstorm and it raged for a while right around lunch time. This time, the thunderstorm had the added excitement of being associated with a tornado some 15 miles outside of town and heading our way.

My longest lasting recurring dream images are tornados. I'm from the New York City area, so it's not like I've ever really encountered one, but I'm always dreaming about them anyway. In fact, I just had a tornado dream some days ago. I'm sure I could look it up and find out what they're supposed to symbolize, but I'm not at all concerned with that. Instead, I've taken it to mean that it's my destiny to die by the swift windy hand of a tornado. Everytime I hear about a tornado warning, I wonder, "is this my time?"

It's kind of morbid, but it's nice to have a destiny, and there's worse ways to go, I think, than by tornado. Being eaten by a giant squid is number one on my list of ways I do not want to die.

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