Wednesday, April 20, 2005

while you were gone

The living room was wrecked while I was gone. On the coffee table is:
  1. 18 mostly empty 12oz. cans of Miller High Life
  2. one empty 40oz. of Mickey's malt liquor
  3. two empty cans of Guinness Draught
  4. three plates
  5. one fork
  6. one large empty can of Foster's (it's Australian for swill)
  7. six empty bottles of Summerfest
  8. one glass bong
  9. one empty 40oz. bottle of Pabst Blue Ribbon with a brown paper bag shoved in it so that it looks kind of like a white trash molotov cocktail
I didn't even know they made 40oz. bottles of Pabst.

The kitchen's not much better. I couldn't find the actual garbage pail under the pile of discarded boxes of Chocolate Lucky Charms. I grabbed a garbage bag from under the sink and started to dig through the waste tower to find the garbage can full, and without a liner. I took the full bag of trash out to the dumpster and gave up.

Tomorrow I make out my last rent check for this house. I've lived here for almost a year-and-a-half; it's the longest I've lived anywhere that's not my parents' home. It'll be weird to leave, but I'm looking forward to it. I'm not really excited about having to move. I hate packing and hauling and being overwhelmed by all the stupid shit I have, but starting the first week of May, I'm going to start throwing out everything. I'm actually kind of excited about it--plates, glasses, silverware, unopened boxes, clothes, everything.

It will be good for me, I think. It'd better be.


Bottle Rocket Fire Alarm said...

I'm moving in two moths. I started making boxes last night. My current roommate/landlord is talking about extorting an extra thousand dollars out of me so she can pay for funeral.

Not. Cool.

Considering I have no lease and can leave her high and dry, that's dumb of her. I'm playing dumb until I vanish into thin air.

if_i_had_a_hammer said...

i'm not on a lease either...i'm kinda squatting, but i pay for it. my landlord seems like a dick, but my roommate's on the lease, and he's cool, so i guess i'll have to play this one by the book and hope i don't get screwed.

Michelle said...

HEYYYYYYYYYYYY........nothing wrong with Fosters :o/
I guess you can't really taste anything after that Irish sump oil!

if_i_had_a_hammer said... offence meant, michelle!

Michelle said...

heheheh none taken, to be honest i like crown lagers! New Zealand beers.


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