Sunday, December 19, 2004

take two of these and call me in the morning

[from stock.xchng]


Some saint of a woman picked me up at 4 in the morning, otherwise, I'd be freezing my ass off in the streets somewhere right now.

Tonight was more fun than I could have hoped. I got to the party fashionably late (like an hour) but the room was still pretty dead when I got there. I decided not to pre-party, but I also decided not to eat before I left the house. I figured it would help me along, and give my body one less thing to have to process. After my first stiff Bacardi and Coke, I realized that not eating was a grave mistake. Luckily, deli trays were provided, and these super cool chicken club wraps that were very, very yummy. I downed about four or five plates of food as I sipped rum 'n' coke number two.

My suit was a hit. I never look good, mainly because I don't know how to dress myself without female supervision, but when I have to get all swanked up, I make looking good my mission. I mean, if I'm going to have to be uncomfortable for a few hours, I better damn well look good doing it. Also, because I'm usually the supreme visage of frumpy, when I do look good, it's like a fucking event and everyone comments on how good I look, which boosts my ego for a full year. It's the little things, I guess, that keep me going. Thanks to the sleazy sales dude who hooked me up with the killer shirt and tie combo.

After the party was the after party at the local watering hole, and after the after party was an after after party at a house on the other side of town. I attended both and wandered around town in a drunken stupor in full suit. I was going to walk home, but it would have taken me forever, and I couldn't afford an overcoat for my suit. I'll probably try to pick one up when I'm in the city over Christmas, and the temperature was in the 30s, so I called a friend who'd said (to my roommate) that we could call at any time for a ride if we needed one. He'd ditched the party at some point. I really don't know when, but I didn't think I was going to make it. She picked me up outside a diner. I bought her chicken strips and fries, and I was whisked back to my house.

The Little Space Heater that Could is doing its best to warm up my room, and I suppose I'll slip under the covers and not get out from under them until sometime tomorrow afternoon, but I busted my ass all year to enjoy this party, and at least it was worth it.

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