Tuesday, December 21, 2004

post script

Thinking about the elderly reminds me. Today while I was having lunch at the super burrito place with a couple of my coworkers, there was this old couple--the real cute and quiet time--sitting in the booth next to us. The waiter served them two glasses of red wine in really tall glasses with green-blue stems. They both sat together on the same bench of the large boot.

We didn't really pay them much mind; we spoke about how funny goths are, and I told a story about a dominatrix my friend hit on in a goth club in Long Island a while back. I noticed then that the couple was occasionally looking at us, but their expressions never changed--just plain and cold. After I had told my dominatrix story, the coworker sitting across the booth from me was talking about some news item he'd heard--an educational channel that's broadcasted in school and is sponsored by Pepsi or Coca-Cola or something--and how they're brainwashing children at a young age. He sat with his back to a large window that gives a view of the sidewalk and street outside. Over his left shoulder, I noticed the old man of the couple sitting next to us vomitting on the sidewalk. He was out there for a while, but eventually returned with the aid of his cane.

The couple watched us on and off the entire length of our meal and barely touched their wine. As we were leaving, I noticed the woman's eyes were still pointed at our booth.

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