Friday, December 17, 2004


[from Wikipedia]

That early morning fog that lingered around the valley yesterday was a memory by the afternoon, but I guess it took a liking to us, because it came back in force today around 5pm. The temperature dropped, the air got super damp, and the fog was super thick--all in time for me to make my walk home. It got worse as the night went along, and when I headed downtown at around 9pm, it was so bad, I could barely see across the street. I was kinda worried that I'd get hit by a car or something, but the world looked all warm and fuzzy, especially mixed with the glow of the orange street lights. I make the same walk maybe one to three times a day--sometimes more, sometimes less. I like walking because of the exercize, but it's also a good time to think and talk to myself (not like that). With the heavy fog settled in, it was like a whole new walk, which made it so much more interesting. ...Well, to me it was, anyway.


I finally caught the wrap-up special for The Office, and I couldn't have been happier with it. I only just caught wind of the series this year, and gobbled up the first two seasons. They made me laugh so hard; at least most of the first and second season did. By the end of the second season the show got frighteningly serious, and was still just as compelling.

[Ricky Gervais (writer / director / actor) performing the most ridiculous dance number ever as David Brent]

The finale was along the same lines--toeing a delicate line between uncomfortably absurd and hilarious to just plain uncomfortable. The series is wildly clever, but the most amazing part was how they were able to create such memorable characters in such a short stretch of time. It's a shame that the series is done, but I've got to admire them for going out on top and really allowing their work to mean something, instead of just dragging it out and running it into the ground.

1 comment:

Erratic Prophet said...

It was always foggy at my college. Maybe because we were on a lake. And the school had old-ish buildings and street lamps, bringing a Victorian London vibe to the place. It gave me the heebies, man. I just kept thinking that Jack the Ripper was hanging out in the fog waiting for his next victim. Or worse, some redneck in overalls toting around a chainsaw. I did a lot of speed walking.


Life, as it happens.
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