Tuesday, December 07, 2004

machine o' plenty

I had to go pay the gas and electric bill, and since it was due today, I took it over to the office since I work only a couple blocks from it. The gas and electric office is kinda enigmatic. It's just a plain brick store front with a single door and some non-descript windows. There's only a bland sign that lets you know what the thing is. The glass door is tinted and all the blinds are closed on the windows so you can't even see into the place.

There's a line, of course. Everytime I go to one of these places there's a line, which I guess is common. The woman in front of me wasn't all too happy about it either. She wasn't making a big fuss about it, but she was doing the deep audible breath thing and the kind of arm cross shifting thing. I can't say I blame her. Inside was even more bland than the outside. Gray carpet, gray blinds, gray walls and the only thing to look at was the line of windows in front of us where the employees were seated at desks.

The line moved pretty fast--so hooray. After I was done, I turned back toward the door and noticed there was a bank of those quarter candy vending machines, and just my luck, there was one of the machines was serving up Peanut M&Ms. I popped in a quarter and turned the dial and was happy to see my palm fill up with the most Peanut M&Ms ever to pour out of these usually frugal machines. Perfect dessert for that noxious Taco Bell I ate.

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