Saturday, December 04, 2004

it's like woah

I just couldn't stay in. I really wanted to, but the house is too cold, empty and quiet. I had to go out, but I didn't much feel like going to the local watering hole and wait around until I bumped into someone I knew. I decided to go to a downtown movie theater that plays a midnight movie. It's only about three bucks, and they show some flick from ages ago that people really seem to enjoy--Goonies, Raiders of the Lost Ark, shit like that. I decided to brave the cold (record breaking lows for California) and walk downtown. It's about a mile and a half, and I made two round trips, so I feel all healthy today.

I figured I'd at least check out what was playing, and if it was something I had completely no interest in, I'd just go grab a drink. I got to the theater and saw that they were playing Animal House. I've never actually seen that movie before, so after some internal debate, I decided to give it a shot.

The theater was filled with a bunch of chowder-headed douche bags, which is to be expected for such a movie, but all in all, it wasn't that bad. Unfortunately, I was kind of disappointed in the flick. I figured it'd be good for me to see it, seeing as I've been all mopey lately, but I only really laughed at John Belushi, and I could have done without the rest of them. It's not even that the movie was too low-brow. I loved Old School, but Animal House just didnt' do it for me. Maybe it was residual mopiness...or that the theater didn't have Red Vines. Could you imagine such a thing?!

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