Monday, December 06, 2004're totally that guy

I ended up going out this weekend--finally--and saw a couple bands play at the local watering hole. They really need to have more shows there. I dug the first band and was kinda eh about the second band. I think they were too talented or something.

During the second band, there was this dude in a buttoned up flannel dancing with this bar chick (aka girl you'd find at a bar) being all dance-y with one another and the like. I enjoy watching men and women locked in the mating ritual because I'm too much of a wuss to get involved in it myself. I watched them witn one of the women from work and we kept making comments. She asked me if I thought they were going to go home together tonight, and I answered, "The real question is which one of them is going to regret it."

Her opinion was that the woman would, and after some deliberation, I had to agree. Dude was clearly not drunk, at least nowhere near as drunk as the woman was, and he was totally doing the "I'm only grooving like this to make her think I'm interested in something other than jumping her bones" dance. It was so funny. I need a camera phone so I can take pictures of these things.

It was nice to get out and not feel like such a hermit. I tried to play it low-key tonight; for some reason, I just haven't felt confident enough to leave the house in social situations lately. I guzzled three pints of Guinness before I felt at ease, but I stopped at the third. Tomorrow's going to be a long day at work.

1 comment:

Erratic Prophet said...

You know, I'd probably be that girl dancing with that guy. Unfortunately for that guy, the dancing would get him nowhere.

Glad to know I'm not the only one stuck in the grunge era. But I don't wear my flannel out.


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