Friday, December 17, 2004

bringing the noise (bells)

Old acquaintences have already begun to stream into town. There's a reunion concert of sorts taking place this evening, and my office's holiday party is tomorrow. I'm equally as excites as I am nervous of the debauchery that will ensue.

I guess this is the one time of year that it's okay to make yourself into a drunken lout--not that that stops me the rest of the year--and I'm planning to take full advantage. It's been a long year, but I'm not going to get all teary eyed and look-back-y for 2004 just yet. There are still two weeks to go, and this year's been such a foul and unruly beast, I'm sure it has got a few more nasty tricks before the calendar resets and ushers in a fresh set of 12 months that will finally take on its own personality by Dec. 31st, 2005.

Was that look-back-y? It wasn't intentional, I swear.

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