Sunday, December 19, 2004

happy sunday!!!

[photo by Tom Andersson]

When my eyes opened, I felt like I was in a state of suspended animation. I had made it into my bed last night, that was obvious, and the television was on. The Eagles were playing the Cowboys. I couldn't tell what the score was. I couldn't reallyu move, to be honest, but I was more or less aware of what was going on around me. I wondered if that was what death was like; my breathing and my heart were moving slow, at least it felt slow. Maybe I was just more aware of it. I felt calm, warm and comfortable. It was nice, really.

No hangover (I think the one the day before prepped me sufficiently), just cozy, groggy and sleepy. I didn't move for another two hours until my dad called me up, and he apologized for waking me up. I said it was okay since, I'd been awake, more or less, for a while already.

After the phone call, I thought it would be a good idea to make some breakfast. It may have been just about 1pm. I boiled some eggs when I heard my name shouted from my front door; it was a woman from work and her roommate. Everyone was going to champagne Sunday brunch--everyone!--so I was pretty much was obliged to go, and I wanted to, also.

Pretty much everyone from the night before was at Sunday brunch. I ate steak and eggs and tried to figure out what the hell the gymnastics program that was on the television above the bar was all about.

Brunch was eh, but it was nice to hang out with everyone before they headed back out of town. I didn't have any champagne, though, because the cheap stuff makes me sick. Not to sound like a snob, but if I'm going to drink champagne, it's got to be good, otherwise I'll just stick to beer and such. No one really wanted to split up so champagne brunch turned into the after after after party over at my house where some people ripped bong hits and I ended up downing two pints of Guinness. I took pictures, there were more hugs, and again, a great time was had. I head there's a birthday party tomorrow or Tuesday, then another function on Thursday, and I'll be leaving for New York to visit the family on Friday night. All this fun is really starting to wear me down.

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