Monday, May 23, 2005

we'll remember this summer until at least the next one, maybe...

It's the time of year when everyone leaves Collegeville, just in time before the weather gets stuffy. Today was hot, sunny, but not muggy. It was a good day to sit outside and go for a walk. I did both. I walked to a graduation party and spent much of it outside.

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The party was in a part of town I rarely go to, but reasonably close to my house. I found a AAA battery in a remote control and loaded it into my MP3 player so I could tune everything out and keep my steps bouncy. It was enjoyable, though my Vans aren't much for walking extended distances. The air was dank with jasmine. The weekend's worth of end of school and graduation celebrations left the streets even more bare than they usually are on a Sunday. It was just me and the sun and the Pixies. "Gigantic" is becoming my walking theme song. It seems to match the rhythm of my steps--a perfect fit, for some reason.

The party was a multi-staged affair consisting of the family portion, followed by the friends portion. Alcohol was involved as a part of both, but it wasn't until stage two that the Puerto Rican rum arrived.

We watched the neighbors across the way deal cocaine (presumably), I related my traumatic tale of Cookie Puss and was rescued from what I was told was a rather large "jumper" spider crawling on my chair. I didn't see it, luckily, and saved some measure of embarassment.

Honestly, I'm not much for the summers here. They're long and hot and there's entirely too much moving around and you see the same people even more so than you usually do. The last part's not so bad for the most part, but there's not much relief from the monotony. But today was a nice kick off to my least favorite season.

Fuck the sun.


Michelle said...

Summer exposes all the deviants here, thats one thing i hate. Because it gets so hot, all the vagrants hang out in the street instead of finding shelter.
Crime doubles.......= more work for me :(

Erratic Prophet said...

Summer = bored kids at home all day making me crazy = countdown till the end of summer vacation.

if_i_had_a_hammer said...

summer=me spazzing out due to bugs=me becoming less attractive to the opposite sex.


Life, as it happens.
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