Friday, May 20, 2005

it's kinda like an adventure


I think everyone went to see the new Star Wars today. In the first seven hours it was out, just about everyone I knew was streaming in with reports. The overwhelming feedback I got was positive, but no one seem overly stoked. It was clear they thought it was better than the Episode I and II, but then again, so was about 80 percent of the movies produced in Hollywood in the same time frame.

Face it, they just weren't that good. And I hate to break it to you, but neither were the first three that we all (including myself) hold near and dear to our hearts. We just can't look at them objectively. When I watch New Hope now, I see it with the same wide-eyed enthusiasm that I did when I was a child, and that will never go away. Phantom Menace and The Clone Wars will never be so lucky. Even though, I'll be the first to admit that I nearly jumped out of my seat when Yoda unleashed the lightsaber fury and finally showed the world that he was a Muppet to be reckoned with.

I didn't see Episode III today. I would have, though, if I wasn't working or the opportunity presented itself. People complain about packed theaters and the semi-organized chaos that insues at cinemas when a big event movie like Star Wars opens up, and these complaints are understandable, but the way I see it, with my pretty kick ass Sony Surround Sound system and a wide-screen HDTV, I've got a perfectly small and cozy mini theater to watch movies by myself in. A frothing crowd of premier-night Star Wars fans, however, are priceless, and no matter how flashy my home entertainment package gets, I still can't replicate the uncomfortable perfection of a packed and rowdy house.

Instead, I worked a 10 hour shift and then sauntered down to my friend's store to hang out and watch a woefully disturbing movie from South Korea. A few of us decided to go out afterwards, but since it's graduation weekend in Collegeville, we decided to try to hit up bars that we normally wouldn't go to. The first stop was the bar at the Holiday Inn, but that was closed--much to our disappointment, we'd planned to steal towels and toiletries--so we hit up a place far from downtown that, as it turned out, mixed the most potent and tasty rum and cokes I've had in quite some time. I'd switched almost entirely to beer in recent weeks, and the reintroduction of mixed drinks to my system came as quite a shock. Especially in such frequency and volume.

Afterwards, we thought I led us on a wild goose chase for another place I'd thought existed and failed to convince my party to head for the strip club, which was probably for the best. Instead, we head to a frightening townie bar out by the movie theater in hopes of seeing Jedis. We didn't, but instead gazed upon another fascinating sect of the population: country karaoke singers. The rum and cokes were just as potent, but I forgot to order Bacardi and had to suffer through the well toxin instead, which I'm sure will be felt in the morning.

I got spilled out into my front lawn and waddled inside to reheat some pizza. My roommate came home from the theater, dressed as a Jedi, living the most high dream of geekdom. We celebrated his impending graduation with shots of whiskey. I spit out almost half of one. The force was strong with that one.


Bottle Rocket Fire Alarm said...

I saw it. I geeked. I had fun.

if_i_had_a_hammer said...

rock on. i think i was just jealous that everyone got to geek out but me.


Life, as it happens.
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