Tuesday, May 31, 2005

say hello to my glands

Moving sucks. Moving in the summer sucks more. Just summer in general sucks. Fuck you, summer. At one point, I squeegied about a half-gallon of sweat from my eyebrows. It was gross. I sweat a lot, I always have. But during the move, my head stubble bristled with moisture. rubbing my hand across it sent sweat spritzing in every direction, droplets fell on my glasses and beaded off my nose and earlobes. I replaced the lost gallons of sweat with beer, whiskey and fast food, but somehow, my body kept going, and when I was done, it felt good. I'm in my new place now, and I'm actually really excited about it. As excited as I can be, I guess, considering I won't be spending any time there for the next six days. I'll be here at the office. We go to print on Monday, all 116 glossy pages, and I can already feel my stomach eating away at itself.


Bottle Rocket Fire Alarm said...

That's why I walk during extreme heat and don't allow myself water ntil over an hour of exertin has passed.

It tastes better when Iget it, and I run out again before I finish my walk, which is usually about 8 miles of sunbaked sweatdrenched ephedrine fueled hyperventilation.

Then I get drunk. I feel awesome during and after. Before and the first 30 minutes of exersize are a bit rough, I must admit.

Michelle said...

Geez J, your a gals dream date!

if_i_had_a_hammer said...

you're a braver man than i, steve. i pound water all summer, though sometimes i get too caught up in what i'm doing and forget.

you're just figuring that out now, michelle?

i'll hopefully be at this spot for a while, alexa. it's a nice little place with a white picket fence and one of those mailboxes you can take a baseball bat to. hope you get back to blogging soon.


Life, as it happens.
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