Friday, May 06, 2005

in which i become a simpering fanboy

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I yelped with pathetic glee when I saw a zip file of new photos from Underworld 2. I didn't particularly like Underworld (I didn't dislike it either), but I went to see it in the theater simply for Kate Beckinsale, who's pretty much my Goddess of Love. Kate can do no wrong, not even in that peculiar movie in which Gary Oldman played a dwarf. Plus, she was wrapped in skin-tight vinyl, which was just about the best and worst thing Hollywood has ever done for me. Damn you, Hollywood...damn you.

Underworld 2 looks as if it's pretty much targeted at my demographic--being lonely, aging young men who used to read too many comic books. Ms. Beckinsale is once again vacuum sealed in the vinyl cat suit, weilding a variety of weapons, generally looking like a sexy bad ass, but still able to show her soft and gushy and yummy feminine side [editor's note: hunky male lead cut from picture, because I'm that sad and jealous]. I can already feel my palms getting sweaty.

1 comment:

Erratic Prophet said...

I never saw the first one.


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