Saturday, May 07, 2005

lunch for one

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Today was a monumental one at my favorite Chinese restaurant--I became a regular. The place isn't particularly nice, but it's kind of cool in the ghetto fabulous sort of way. There's duct tape on some of the seat cushions and the bathroom's a bit scary, but the food is very good, and it looks like the place would be decked out if it were still 1974. They play relaxing music--like shit from film scores--and it's a great place to chill out and have a meal. It's very cozy. The proprietor greeted me at the door, as she always does, and asked, "will you be eating here today?" And followed with, "will it be the number two special plate?"

I laughed and said, "no," but thanked her for remembering. In returned, I ordered a gang of food, way too much to eat in one sitting, but I wanted to have plenty of leftovers so I could eat for the next couple of days. I got a sizzling iron plate of mixed seafood, pork fried rice and broccoli chicken. I also got a plate of veggie potstickers. I barely ate a quarter of it, but I ate all the potstickers because they're that good.

When I left with boxes of leftovers in tow, the proprietor said, "see you next week," and I felt like part of the family.

My fortune cookie read: "Ignorance has no light, but error follows a false one." Gnarly.

My lucky numbers are 9, 19, 22, 31, 41 and the supplementary lucky number is 26. Just in case any of the others are unable to fulfill their lucky number duties.


Michelle said...

J, sounds delicious :o)

Erratic Prophet said...

I'd kill for some potstickers. Sleep with one eye open.

Bottle Rocket Fire Alarm said...

I'm becoming a regular at my Thai restaurant of choice. I've been eating there twice a week for five months.

if_i_had_a_hammer said...

michelle: very delicious. seriously.

r: my potstickers.

bottle rocket: i tend to frequent the same places often. i think it makes it easier for me to feel like i belong out here.


Life, as it happens.
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