Friday, May 27, 2005


I know this is supposed to be wrong, but I'm kinda drunk and they're yelling so loud, they're basically asking me to listen, right?

We had some shots of tequilla and they have a really volatile relationship. It's one of those relationships that seemingly never ends but is seemingly always turbulent. They were just yelling at each other really loud, so loud that I heard it even though they were in the side house and over the Japanese zombie movie I'm watching. It's called Stacy and it makes absolutely no sense. I don't think it's because it's Japanese and I'm not. I don't think anyone could possibly in their wildest mushroom binge make any sense of this movie. It's about teenage girls who become zombies because they're really happy or something (no really). It's exploitative, packed with nasty gore and is full of scantily clad Japanese school girls of questionable legality, but it's all tied together with some oddly philosophical spin. It's totally hypnotic if for no other reason that you figure there just has to be a point to it...there just has to be. I think I've watched it three or four times now and haven't found one yet. I'm still searching. I heard the movie was spawned out of the director's obsession with a teenage girl, who appears in the film. The Japanese truly are an interesting people.

Anyway, they really got at each other tonight--probably because of jealousy and perceived infidelity, which is really more than just perceived. I'm the roommate so I'm friendly with everyone and do my best to avoid the fall out, which isn't very easy.

After some blood curdling screams, I heard her car door slam furiously, the engine race and the gravel loosed from our driveway as she pulled away. A few moments later, I heard pebbles pop under tires as she returned. There was some more yelling, but then they went back inside. Everything's quiet now. At least I get to hang out with her dog tomorrow.

1 comment:

Erratic Prophet said...

One of those couples.. They just love the drama. At least it's free entertainment. And, hey, dog!


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