Friday, May 06, 2005

our friend, swoopers redux

Swoopers, or one of his brethren, decided to pay the office a visit again. This time, he'd decided to fly as low as possible so I ducked under my desk and shielded myself with my swanky chair. I think I injured myself diving for cover, but a few scrapes and a slightly wounded pride are far better than a case of the rabies. No, I'm not proud of my cowardice, but it as kept me alive this long, so I see no reason to change my behavior. I guess what I'm saying is, if you're looking for a hero, look elsewhere. Luckily, his visit was brief this time around. He figured out the nuances of exiting through the window with only a little coaxing. Fare thee well, Swoopers. Thank you for teaching me more about myself than I ever cared to know.


Michelle said...

Anticipating comments about your heroism huh :o)

Erratic Prophet said...

You need to start carrying around a large net.

if_i_had_a_hammer said...

i need to befriedn the critter is what i need to do. he's kinda cute and dopey...i think he'd be a chick magnet if i went to the bars with him.

i don't think i can anticipate them anymore, michelle...hehe...but they would be nice.


Life, as it happens.
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