Wednesday, June 01, 2005

that was my fault

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I made a post about mosquitos and how they phase through walls like Kitty Pryde, but I unfortunately wrote it in a Blogger window that I'd had open since 12 hours ago. Because that's how long I've been at work. I'm just about done with this Pacifico, and I don't want to have to rehash that old post. Instead, just look at Ms. Pryde and know that I've had a very very long past week or so. And I have to buy a new computer I think, so I can post properly. Until then, these will have to be short and snuck in when I get the chance here at the office. Since I'll be living here. More than I normally do.


Erratic Prophet said...

Kitty Pryde rocks! But the thought of Kitty Pryde-esque mosquitos doesn't. Next, you'll suggest that they have adamantine proboscises or something equally frightening.

if_i_had_a_hammer said...

would that make it mosquito x?

Erratic Prophet said...

Groan. Bad pun! Bad!

And only if it had a wheelchair and mind reading/control abilities.

if_i_had_a_hammer said...

actually...i was thinking weapon x...which was wolverines codename when he was given adamantium by the government...he was chosen because his healing factor made him an excellent candidate to survive the procedure.



Erratic Prophet said...

D'oh! I forgot about that.

Ha ha! You're the bigger geek!


Life, as it happens.
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