Wednesday, June 22, 2005

this rum is cold

I sit with my midnight cocktail an hour-and-a-half late. My roommate put my bottle of Bacardi in the freezer, which was fine by me, she asked first, but now this drink is giving me frostbite as well as the usual brain, heart and liver damage.

I went out tonight. It felt weird. I went to a show and I wasn't sure if I wanted to be there. The bands were pretty good, especially the first one, but I kinda had to force myself to leave the house. I stayed in later than planned so I could watch the rest of the Giants/Diamondbacks game. I'm not a fan of either team, but one of my relief pitchers on my fantasy team happens to be the interim closer for the D-Backs, so when he came in in the ninth with a save opportunity, I had to cheer him on. He pitched a 1-2-3 inning to get the save--a sweet nine points for my team.

My new place is situated much closer to the bars than my previous living arrangement, but in the three weeks I've been here, I've only been out to the bars once. Now I just sip a drink on the couch until I fall asleep. I rarely get through a full one. I've been so damned tired.

The full tumbler beside me is a daunting task. I've had three at the bar, though. That should act as a primer.


Michelle said...

Think of all the $$$$$ your saving by hanging at home...can't be all bad ehh :o)

if_i_had_a_hammer said...

i suppose not. i just feel awfully boring lately.


Life, as it happens.
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