Thursday, June 30, 2005

misery. loves company.

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After being prominently displayed on this very space, tennis dream queen Maria Sharapova met her unfortunate end in this year's Wimbledon tournament, losing to Venus Williams in straight sets. We here at Counting Backwards hope that Ms. Sharapova doesn't feel as if she was in some way "jinxed" by her appearance on this very site. But even if she does, we here at Counting Backwards would like to bravely step forward and volunteer our services in consoling Ms. Sharapova in this difficult and frustrating time. Counting Backwards knows plenty of difficult frustrating times. Why just the other day, Counting Backwards had to go online to find an infallable strategy to defeat the vicious Chac, the monster that appears on level 80 of Via Infinito in Bevelle in Final Fantasy X-2. As it turned out, the Cat Nip method did work, and Counting Backwards was very pleased...


What we mean is, we know what it's like, and with any luck, that uncalled-for outburst of supreme geekdom won't render our consoling services completely undesirable.

We can make a mean pot roast. Just so you know.

We now return to our regular programming.


Erratic Prophet said...

You made me snort. I hate you.

Michelle said...

I wish you'd have put Roger Federer on here :(


Life, as it happens.
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