Saturday, June 04, 2005

i'm ecstatic

I walked to work today with a golden labrador who's my part-time roommate. He had to stop and pee on everything, which held things up some, but not by much.

At the office, I plugged myself back into the matrix and slapped on my headphones to listen to Everything Ecstatic by Four Tet (which is just one guy, Kieran Hebden, and his computer). It's the only electronica artist I've been able to get into, really. I'm not sure why I like it, but his last album (Rounds) is still a staple of my regular listening rotation.

I wasn't sure if I was getting into this album, and was ready to chalk up Rounds as an anomalie in my listening patterns until I realized that I was the only one left in the office and that the world around me had ceased to exist. The only thing that pulled me out of my hypnosis was an offending odor that had been wafting around my desk since I'd arrived. I couldn't place it, and thought that I just might have been smelling imaginary things. My sense of smell is quite wonky from years of smoking, but occasionally, my olfactory system will kick into high gear.

The random beeps and swirls from my headphones fended it off for so long, but out of the corner of my eye, I noticed the styrofoam smiley face staring back at me. It was dinner from a few nights ago. The chow mein had gone bad.


Michelle said...

I thought you were going to say the doggie did a dodo..LOL

Erratic Prophet said...

I'm totally not surprised by the rotting chinese. It was either that or porkchops..

Bottle Rocket Fire Alarm said...

I had a sealed tupperware with a drumstick bone sitting under my desk for two months. Now sure why or how I set it there. It had regrown all the meat, except spongy and green/whitish.


Life, as it happens.
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