Wednesday, June 29, 2005

out to lunch

I ventured out to the Philadelphia cheese steak place for an unfortunate, but nonetheless delicious (the cheese steak anyway), mixture of greasy meat sandwich and obnoxious right-wing talk radio.

The heat outside was insufferable, pushing 110 degrees. I hate the summers here.

On the walk back, I noticed two middle-aged women about half a block ahead of me carrying a table out of this antique store (there's forty in the six-block radius of downtown) and to their car. Right in front of them, was a young man on a bike. I approached just in time to see the young man get off his bike to help them load the table into the car. I thought that it was nice to see such unsolicited kindness. Unfortunately for the young man, his unsolicited kidness was repaid by stepping in just about the biggest pile of dog shit I'd ever seen.


Bottle Rocket Fire Alarm said...

An old saying applies here:

"No good deed goes unpunished."


if_i_had_a_hammer said...

yeah...he even got in one of the big chunks too. i couldn't believe he didn't see it.

Michelle said...



Life, as it happens.
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