Friday, March 04, 2005

spike in the self-importance meter

I swear I cried while answering these questions. They just hit home, man. R is the next Barbara Walters so y'all better recognize.

What's your super power?
I have the uncanny ability to blend into any room of people. So acute is this power, that I cannot be seen unless I absolutely want to be. I used to be able to have control over my super power; however, now I have supreme difficulty being seen at all.

What's something that most people wouldn't know about you?
I'm a very secretive and private person in general, which may be one of the reasons why I do this lame-ass blog thing; I need an outlet to be more expressive, because I just can't do that in person. Maybe that's what most people wouldn't know.

If you could trade lives with anyone, who would you pick? Why?
As long as it wasn't permanent, I wouldn't mind swapping lives with anyone, really. I find other people pretty fascinating. It'd be cool to see the world through a different pair of eyes for a little while. I think I heard this in Total Recall, so take that into account, but one of the characters said you can never take a vacation from yourself. Y'know, no matter where you go, there you are. It'd be fun to be someone else for a little while, but I think I'd miss all my miserable bullshit before too long.

What is the most humiliatingly embarrassing cd in your collection?
I still think it's a good CD, but I guess the most humilating one would be the Kelis CD--the one with "Milkshake" on it? "My milkshake brings all the boys to the yard..." I don't care how bad it sounds. I can't stop singing it once it's on. The whole CD's pretty damn funky. I also have a string quartet tribute to Tool, which sounds cheesy as fuck, I know, but it's pretty rocking. I'm sure there are others.

Where do you see yourself in 10 years?
Probably in a monastery as a monk.


Bottle Rocket Fire Alarm said...

I'm not going to answer all of them, but I actually have a superhero power. I decided upon it a month ago for practical purposes and all it takes to enact it is a little willpower.

I am impervious to cold weather. Unaffected. I dress the same in winter and summer and I refuse to shiver.

Sure, I feel it, but I pretend I don't. This works surprisingly well.

Erratic Prophet said...

Dude, weren't you going to be a monk like five years ago? Or is this more of a retirement plan?

if_i_had_a_hammer said...

that's a good super power, bottle rocket. we're almost halfway to our own lo-fi Justice League of America.

that was three years ago, i'll have you know. and i really mean it this time.

Erratic Prophet said...

My super power is the ability to confuse the hell out of anyone at any time. I'm that good.

Michelle said...

A blind monk with a "monkey" in a monastery!

K that was mean...


Life, as it happens.
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