Wednesday, March 09, 2005

from the bowels of my inbox

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All this extra work I've been doing has turned my inbox into the place dreams go to die. It's pretty sad. Today, since I was at work til 1:30am, I was able to go through the electronic graveyard and read through various bios and press releases. One such e-mail praised the merits of Emiliana Torrini, a singer/songwriter from Iceland, which is apparently entirely inhabited only by beautifully freaky and extremely talented pixie-like people. I imagine, in Iceland, the air smells like mint, the blowing wind sounds like music and there are chocolates that magically appear under your pillow every morning when you wake from a sleep full of blissful dreams of sugar plums or some shit. These are the only things that can explain Bjork.

Emiliana has gotten her props; she performed the Gollum song from The Lord of the Rings and even wrote "Slow" for the world's favorite pop star and my favorite dream acquaintance Kylie Minogue (story to follow). But neither of which is why you should give Emiliana a spin. Follow the links below to watch her super cool animated video for the first single off her upcoming album and if that doesn't do it for you (you must be a sad, heartless meanie), watch the interview and prepare to be charmed into a coma by her bewitching Icelandik accent and sugar-sweet modesty.

"Sunny Road"
Real Low
Real High

WM Low
WM High

Emiliana Torrini interview

Quicktime Low
Quicktime High

WM Low
WM High


Erratic Prophet said...

Grr.. I posted a comment. Blooooger ate it. Evil.

Michelle said...

"Beautiful talented pixie like people" Crap..i'd be deported!


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