Thursday, October 14, 2004

what are you doing still awake?

Oh, you know. The same old, same old, really. I just finished my last story for the new magazine. It's alright I guess. I'm worried as hell about what this thing's going to look like when it's done, and I'm sure I've given myself an ulcer over it. But I don't think we'll have a problem finishing it up tomorrow. I've done 12 hour days the past two days in a row. I'm not the only one I'm sure, but it's still not easy.

I should be asleep, but no. I couldn't let another day go by without typing at you--even if I'm barely coherent.

Tomorrow's the last day, then I can take a breath. Just gotta make it through tomorrow.

Then I can get caught up on all the other work I have to do.

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