Sunday, October 03, 2004

the cable guy

Today, I learned a new skill. I'm now able to put those little plastic dealy bobs on the end of CAT5 cable. It was an arduos task to be sure, but after messing up twice, I finally got it right. I was so proud of myself, I shouted with mild glee, which startled one of my coworkers.

I also set up my desk at the new place. That was also a very arduous task. It went through a few reconfigurations, but I was able to settle on a nice spot, and I even kinda sorta have a window. Of course, I'm going back tomorrow, because I'm a sucker.

All the activity has sent me into hibernation. I think I went out Monday for an hour or so, but that's been it all week. I stayed in last night, and tonight as well. This time, however, I got to watch a whole slew of episodes of Arrested Development. I never would have guessed that a show starring this guy could be so funny. I nearly choked to death as I ate my chicken and rice dinner. I was just laughing so hard, and it was really nice. I actually got home from the office to find my roommate sitting in the living room watching it. He'd just exhaled a healty cloud of reefer smoke and told me he'd been watching it all day. I got in on the story in the middle unfortunatley, but it didn't really matter. I'm probably going to go back and watch the first disc after I finish writing this.

After watching about eight episodes, both my roommates vacated the premises, and off to celebratory functions. I had no plans tonight, and I didn't really feel like making them, so instead, I stayed home and made some noise. I turned up the amplifier and played my guitar pretty loud. The solitude was nice, but it got old real fast, so I turned to the television for company. I put on 100 Greatest Hotties on VH1, which placated my obsession with beautiful people, but I got tired of the show quickly; when it ranked plastic-y bimbo Denise Richards (no offence to plastic-y bimbos) higher than Nicole Kidman, it lost all credibility.

There was really nothing worth watching on television, so I spent the remainder of my vacation from the world playing solitare, which looks a lot worse now that I read it than it felt at the time, and listening to sad songs; sad, of course, because I didn't win a single game.

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