Tuesday, October 26, 2004

bonus question

I like answering the random questions generated by Blogger when I edit my profile, even though I don't think my profile's been viewed in quite some time. I guess it's just one of the many things I do for me.

I got this question this evening, and the answer was too long, so i figured I'd post it here instead. See? I'm not entirely selfish.

Random Question:
Why don't you ever wear a scarf? It doesn't need to be cold outside for your neck to feel naked.

The only scarf I own is made of cashmere. I'm not into clothes, I haven't really bought clothes in over a year, but it's gray, fuzzy, warm and beautiful, and it feels like a little piece of heaven. I bought it to match a pair of cashmere gloves I bought that same day, which are just as wonderful. They were purchased at Saks Fifth Avenue in New York City last Christmas when I was home visiting my family and cost me $260--90 for the gloves and like 150 for the scarf, plus tax. I think they charged me for the shopping bag too, but whatever.

I don't wear any of them because they're the most precious things I own, and I'm afraid I'll ruin them. I also don't wear them because I live in a part of California where it's over 70 degrees 10 months out of the year. The rest of the time it's raining, and I'm afraid they'll get wet. I don't know what rain does to cashmere, but I assume it's not good. I also don't have anything remotely nice enough to wear them with, except my suit, which cost me less than half (half) the price. To this day, I have no idea why I bought the scarf or the gloves (the saleswoman was sooooo gorgeous), but they look aces on the goddamn hanger in my goddamn closet. I hope that answers your question.

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