Monday, October 04, 2004

animal house

I drank three whole glasses of Pepsi today, which sort of violates my Soda Reduction Act, but sometimes you have to live a little. I've been doing pretty good overall, though; I've limited my soda intake to once a week, and I've more or less have been keeping up with that trend. Other than my Pepsi binge today, I usually can't even take more than two sips of the stuff. Mostly now, I'll just drink water, but since my home's Brita water pitcher followed my past roommate off to another location, I've substituted beer for soda.

Our refrigerator is quite the peculiar beast. It's hardly ever home to food, though there will always be assorted blocks of cheese, bags of taco shells and burrito-sized tortillas, but mostly, it's filled with beer and condiments. As one extraordinarily sexy and intoxicated houseguest said this past weekend, "If you want to drink a bottle of ketchup, you've come to the right place." She said so devouring a tasty looking berry pie, which now also resides in the fridge.

Currently, the fridge houses a staggering array of salad dressings, the aforementioned ketchup, cinnamon apple sauce, an every growing number of jars of jelly, three tubs and four sticks of butter and/or margerine, a few cans of salsa, chocolate syrup and four nearly full jars of mayonaise (I fully take the blame for this one. The only time I use mayo is to make tuna salad; however, my tuna eating is sporadic. For some reason, I fear the ephemeral nature of mayo freshness, and think that I have to buy a new jar every time, thinking that the last jar must have spoiled in the interim. I always get the same jar of Smart Balance Lite mayo because Safeway sells it for way cheap with my club card). Right now, there are a few pork chops that I cooked up for dinner this evening (they came out really good. I breaded them in Italian bread crumbs and added this Monterrey spice blend--red peppers and roasted garlic--to the mixture and baked them in the oven), but the remaining space in the refrigerator is filled with beer--Miller High Life, High Life Light, Bud Light, Natural Ice and Bacardi Silver O3.

I wonder if I'll ever move on from this college cliche lifestyle. I'm not even that big a fan of it; but it is affordable. Maybe when I'm rich and famous, I can buy the Top Ramen instead of the Maruchan.

I suppose I could fork over the few bucks to buy a new Brita pitcher, but between the mayo and the booze, there's hardly any room for it.

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